Spooky season is just around the corner. We all want our homes to look scary on Halloween and you can do this on a budget from everyday household items. We want to show you the best homemade Halloween decorations that you can place around your home!
With our DIY homemade decorating ideas, we will make sure your house looks scary on Halloween! There are many great ideas for kids and the whole family to get involved in and make Halloween a scary night to remember.
Halloween Pumpkins
You can draw a scary face on the pumpkins or even carve out the face. Don’t forget to place a candle inside the pumpkin to make it look terrifying on the day! If you don’t want to use real pumpkins you can always use plastic pumpkins and draw faces on them.
The spooky pumpkins can be placed inside or outside the house, scaring all your neighbours on Halloween!
Jack O’ Lanterns, orange peels
These little decorations can be placed all around the house with a little candle inside to make it glow. This would also be a great outdoor decor to scare everyone on Halloween!
Paper Pumpkins
One completed draw on a little scary face and your paper pumpkin is done. This is a great idea for kids to help get involved with Halloween and to also be creative too!
Spooky Pumpkins
If you do not have black and white paint, you can always use acrylic paint or spray paint. This is a fun and messy idea for the whole family to get involved in. If you want to make the pumpkin more attractive, you can place googly eyes or even plastic spiders.
The balloons can then be placed or stuck onto the walls around each of the rooms! This fun decoration idea lets everyone draw their scary faces onto the balloons! Just make sure you don’t accidentally pop the balloons!
Rubbish Bag Ghosts
Then all you need to do is draw a scary face onto the front of the ball and you’re done. A quick and easy homemade Halloween decoration!
Garland of Ghosts
This Halloween decor idea can be placed around the fireplace or along the walls of your house to make it extra creepy! If you’re feeling even more creative you stick fake spiders onto the wall with the ghosts to make your walls stand out!
Paper Bats
Toilet Paper Tubes
You can also use black spray paint and turn the little tubes into cats by drawing cat faces on them! This is great for everyone as each family member can pick a character they want to design! Sounds like a great homemade Halloween decorations!
Fake Spiders
Don’t forget to bend each pipe cleaner so it looks like the spider had been walking around. You can then draw on your face with two long fangs and big scary eyes! This scary but imaginative design can be placed outside your door on Halloween or on the stairs as party decorations!
Zombie Glass Jars
You can even use this jar as a candy jar to put all your favourite candy in there! If you want the jar to stand out even more instead of putting candy in there, place a battery-powered tea light candle or an actual candle inside. This will light the jar up and the bandages will stand out too.
Have you found the perfect homemade Halloween decorations to design your house with? Whether you are making zombie glass jars or paper bats We hope you have found the right homemade Halloween decorations for the scariest night of the year!
For more Halloween related blogs feel free check out the blogs! Find savvy tips and days out in our Cheap Things To Do This Halloween blog or check out our Family Halloween Costumes blog or find your local Halloween Events in our Halloween Events Near Me post.