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Lego Tips

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Hands up if you love LEGO®! Whether you enjoy following the instructions or getting creative and making your own masterpieces, it’s great fun for all ages. From awesome things you could use your pieces to create, to some great storage hacks (no more stepping on LEGO®!), we’ve got 10 tips and tricks for all your needs.

  1. Storage hacks
    Looking for a way to sort and store your LEGO® pieces? Samantha from Warwickshire shared her genius storage idea of upcycling old Pringles tubes! It’s a great way to sort your pieces by colour, and really easy too. Plus, it’s a great excuse to enjoy a tasty snack!

    Samantha from Warwickshire Pringles storage hack

  2. Playing idea
    If you’ve got an old fitted sheet lying around, then you’ve got all you need for a great storage hack! Spread the sheet out for when it’s time to play, and when it’s time to pack up, simply bundle together all 4 corners to make a makeshift LEGO® bag!

  3. Dinosaur LEGO®
    This ones for all the dino lovers out there! Did you know that if you have the Dinosaur 3-in-1 set, there’s also 4 extra models available on the official LEGO® site? You could even have a go at making up your own dinosaurs too!

  4. Instructions app
    Got loads of instruction manuals lying around? One great way to save some space is by going digital with the LEGO® Building Instructions app! Simply type in the kit number or scan the QR code, and you can view the instruction manual on your phone.

  5. Marble maze
    If your little LEGO® lovers like getting creative, why not create a marble maze? It can be as big or as small as you like with all sorts of exciting twists and turns, and all you need is a marble!

  6. Bedroom ideas
    Looking to redecorate and give your kids the room of their dreams? There’s all sorts of creative and colourful bedroom ideas, from a LEGO® inspired wall to a display unit to show off all your impressive builds! Check out this one below from Adam Hood in Bromsgrove for some awesome inspiration! 

    Adam Hood from Bromsgrove Lego themed bedroom

  7. Tidying scoop
    Got an old milk carton? By cutting off the bottom, you can recycle your old milk cartoon and create a scoop that’s perfect for picking up those little pieces from the floor when it comes to tidying up.

  8. Playing storage
    We all know the pain of stepping on a piece of LEGO® on the floor, but by using a wooden tray, your little ones can enjoy sprawling out on the floor without creating huge amounts of mess! You could even slide it underneath the sofa, making it super easy to carry on playing the next day.

  9. Games with LEGO®
    If you’re looking for a new way to use your LEGO® and get creative, there’s plenty of great games you can play! Try a ring toss or even tic-tac-toe, there’s all sorts of classic games you can play a LEGO® version of.

  10. LEGO® photoshoot
    If you’ve got lots of mini LEGO® characters, why not get creative one afternoon and whip out your camera? The possibilities are endless, and we bet your little ones will love creating new scenarios and even building their very own sets too. We bet you’ll be impressed at this figure collection from Adam Hood from Bromsgrove!

    A collection of LEGO figures from Adam Hood from Bromsgrove

Loved these great LEGO® hacks? If you’re looking for more great ideas, check out some of these other ideas from our blog:

Dinosaur Days Out and Crafts | Great Indoor Activities | Best Toddler Crafts